Reminder-Testing this week

Dear parents,

This is a reminder (per the school calendar and student planner) that Tuesday - Thursday will be i-Ready interim (testing days) and dismissal will be at 12 pm. Students DO NOT need to bring their backpacks. Please make sure that your students attend school and are on time this whole week. Friday will be NO SCHOOL. 

[Tuesday, Mar 14 at 3:13 PM]
Happy Tuesday Falcon Families!!!

I want to give a big shoutout to our families that made sure our students made it to school for our first day of testing. We averaged 96.64% ADA (Average Daily Attendance) today. Let's go all in and shoot for 100% Attendance Goal. We appreciate each one of you so much. Remember that just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much-lost learning time and leave your child behind in school.